Nola epaitu motozikletako pneumatikoak deformatuta dauden ala ez
- 2021-06-22-
Ba al dakizu epaitzen amotozikleta pneumatikoadeformatuta dago? Artikulu honetan amotozikleta pneumatikoadeformatuta dago
1 Observe with naked eyes. Has the middle of motozikleta pneumatikoas been worn flat? Has the shape of the entire tire changed significantly compared to the new tire? Whether the tire shape is symmetrical.
2 If you feel that the naked eye observation is too subjective, you can also use the tread pattern indicator to judge. The several columnar protrusions pointed by the indicator arrow are on a completely horizontal line. Checking whether the tread depths at these columnar protrusions are the same can help determine whether the tiredeformatuta dago.
3 Sentitu ibilgailuaren kontrola. Zaldiz zihoanean, neguaren ostean ezkerretara biratzen duen autoa eskuinera bihurtzea baino sentikorragoa dela eta eteteko sintonizazioarekin arazorik ez badago, litekeena da pneumatikoaren ezkerreko aldea epe luzeko aparkalekuetan deformatzea.
Note: The deformation of the front wheel is mostly caused by the asymmetry of the tire shape caused by the pressure deformation on the left side of the motozikleta pneumatikoa, while the deformation of the rear tire is mainly due to the flatness of the tire.